Friday, 15 April 2011


Overall, I am happy with my trailer and the scenes included in it. I decided against using the parachute model I created, and the scene where the character is paragliding over London. This I felt would have been too time consuming, so I decided to make a couple of new scenes instead. This was a good idea as the final product I feel, works well.

I chose the Madonna track as it is the official movie soundtrack, and I simply put the track in and it was pretty much in the right position from the off. I needed to delay the start, and cut a piece out where the character is walking into the underground station, but it is hardly noticable as in the actual track there is a gap too, but mine is ever so slightly longer. This worked well and where the animation cuts off, I feel the music finishing where it does works well and would interest people to see the movie.

I am very happy with the introduction scene, and feel that I worked around the issue of the character not being able to turn around well, as the effect of the barrel panning round to bring the character into view works effectively. I am happy with the sound effect, but I feel it could be more of a dominant gunshot. If I was to have more time, I would have worked out how to make the character move via footstep mode, this wouldn't work for some reason and everytime I selected it, the program would crash. I'm not too sure why this was.

I feel the car chase scene works well and the camera effects work well. I am happy with the particle effects but I feel that if I was to improve upon it, I would make the particles of ice/snow that kick up from the wheel more realistic instead of using the 'tetra' effect. I also would have made the Jaguar model from scratch and I would have spent more time making both cars look much better and I also would have included the explosion scene which is in the car chase in the actual movie. I am also happy with the scenery, I feel this looks good and doesn't look as flat and as fake as I first thought it would.

 The underground scene is probably the scene I am most proud of and feel that this is purely because of the effect of the car suddenly appearing. This works very well and is pretty much exactly like the in the movie. If I was to make this scene better, I would pan the second camera view a lot slower, and I would probably look into making the car appear by random sets of polys, this would make the scene look a lot better as this is the way it appears in the movie. I would also make another character as 'Q' is in this scene in the movie but I didn't have the time to make another character.

The 'Die Another Day' scene was the most simple scene to produce, the character sitting down was complicated in places, but the biped treated me well and worked well for me. There was a lot of fiddling with the hand over the gun, but in the end I felt the whole scene worked well. If i was to improve this scene, I would have made the character talk and I would have made him a face too. This would have been for all scenes with the character in, he didn't have a face as I couldn't attach a face that could move in the time I had, I just added the materials, unfortunately, the face only had two polys to it so this meant I couldn't even draw in a face using materials on the polys.

The final scenes where the bullet is going through the barrel of the gun, I feel worked ok, it wasn't great, but I felt the lighting was perfect, you only see what you are meant to see. And the final scene where the text appears, I feel worked very well and ended with the music perfectly.

With reference to:
  • Richard Barnes - Low poly man
  • Madonna - Die Another Day
  • Die Another Day trailer (YouTube)
  • Movie sound clips from the movie (Die Another Day - Ian Flemming)

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