Friday, 15 April 2011

Moving the character

Rigged with envelopes completed

Unrenderable biped
Walking animation
Once I had finished rigging the biped and editing the envelopes to make sure the skin looked realistic, I made an attempt to clothe the character, but this didn’t work too well and the clothes seemed to go through the skin completely. So in the end I just added materials to the character’s mesh and made it look like he was wearing a suit for the underground scene in the station, and just a sweater for the scene in which he is sitting down holding the gun.
Once this was complete, to save time, I used a preset animation tool on 3ds max, and set the character to walk. I used the ‘walk2loop’ animation and I felt this looked effective. Thanks to the preset animation.
On both the introduction scene and the underground scene, I needed to make the character stand still after walking, this wasn’t too bad, but I noticed that some of the envelopes had not stuck together and some of the vertexes were pulling away from the character, once this problem was resolved, the character was walking and stopping to a standstill successfully.

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